Friday, November 11, 2011

Veterans' Day 2011

The veterans of the Chilkat Valley were on my mind as I, along with as many Alaskan Mayors, toured Eielson Air Force Base Tuesday. I loved seeing the planes, but most of all I loved being in the company of the Air Force and Army men and women. It was natural to say, “Thank you for your service,” and humbling to hear in return, “Thank you for your support.”

The Mayors went primarily to gain an understanding of JPARC (Joint Pacific Alaska Range Complex) as well as an understanding of the impact of military spending on the Alaskan economy.

JPARC is recently in the news because the U.S. Army and U.S. Air Force are preparing an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) to analyze potential environmental consequences associated with the proposed modernization and enhancement of ranges, airspace and training areas in the existing JPARC. For details about the proposal and to learn how to get involved go to JPARC EIS.

What I did not realize was that defense spending in Alaska accounts for 60,500 of the 357,000 jobs in Alaska or 17%. That’s more than the 52,000 jobs related to petroleum production.You can find the Executive Summary and a power point of this information in the report What Drives Alaska's Economy? at the Institute of Social and Economic Research.

Quite a few of the officers who addressed us at Eielson Tuesday mentioned that they were near to retirement. Potential retirees said that they hoped to stay in Alaska because Alaska has come to feel like home.

Representative Bill Thomas heard this sentiment and so he went to work last legislative session. Representative Thomas, himself a Veteran, secured a $500,000 grant for a feasibility study to site a Veterans’ Home, especially for those who need assistance as they age, right here in Haines. Though we don’t need a veterans’ home to celebrate Veterans’ Day, I can imagine that the day we open the doors in Haines will be a grand celebration indeed.

Thank you for your service!

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