The agenda for Tuesday night's meeting, as well as the packet of materials, is posted at the Haines Borough website. Click here.
The Agenda is lengthy; the packet is large. An Assembly, or any board for that matter, uses a consent agenda to free up anywhere from a few minutes to a half an hour for discussion of more substantial items. Consent agenda items are items that routine procedures and are adopted by unanimous consent. The Haines Borough uses a star (*) next to an item to show that it is on the consent agenda.
When the Assembly approves the full agenda, it also approves those items on the consent agenda all together without making individual motions for each item.
Nonetheless, all the items on the consent agenda are included in the Assembly's packet and in the packet available to you - the public.
This month's consent agenda includes minutes of past meetings, reports, resolutions, and two liquor license renewals.
Two resolutions pertain to change of signatories. The Assembly is required to adopt resolutions authorizing and designating persons to sign checks and as signatories for certain borough accounts. When elected officials change, new resolutions naming the newly elected officials, have to be adopted. The Clerk and I have put these "housekeeping" resolutions on the consent agenda (Resolutions 11-11-313; 11-11-314).
Another resolution, Resolution 11-11-315, is required by the state in order to receive fish tax revenue. The form is stipulated in state law (AS 29.60.450). This resolution is also on the consent agenda.
Two businesses are applying for the renewal of their existing liquor licenses: The Fireweed Restaurant and the Hotel Halsingland. The Alaska Alcohol Beverage Control Board notifies the Borough of pending liquor licenses renewals. The local government always has the option to make a statement. This item is on the consent agenda. By passing the consent agenda, the Borough indicates that it has no need to make a statement relative to these two licenses.
Staff and facility reports, including the Manager's report, are also on the consent agenda. The packet includes the Manager's report, the CFO's FY12 First Quarter General Fund Financial Report, the Public Library's Director's Report, and the Tourism Advisory Board minutes. Action items associated with any of these reports will always occur in the New Business section of the agenda and are not included in the consent agenda.
If any member of the Assembly asks for an item to be removed from the consent agenda, then it must be removed. The presiding officer will then assign the removed item to an appropriate section of the agenda.
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