Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Day 2

The agenda for the November 3 work session is in circulation. A work session agenda is to be provided 48 hours prior to the session (2.10.030 (B), and so it was, but it was close...

Haines Borough Assembly

Committee-of-the-Whole Work session

November 3, 2011, 6:30 PM, Assembly Chambers


A. Review role of mayor in creating the assembly agenda (HBC 2.10.030) and during assembly discussions (may take part 2.16.010 (c); veto (2.16.030); when to relinquish the chair (2.10.010 )

B. Review the relationship between the manager and the assembly (Manager’s Duties HBC 2.20.020; Assembly powers HBC 2.08.050)

C. Review Ex Parte Communication; and targeted procedures from Robert’s Rules (Julie Cozzi, MMC, Borough Clerk)

D. Review and comment on Mayor’s proposals to modify non-codified and codified practices used to conduct Assembly meetings .

E. Review and discuss standing committees of the Assembly, advisory committees and ad hoc work groups and task forces: possible reorganization, assignments, role of liaison, communication between committees and Assembly.

F. Rate interest in and add to specific projects or initiatives to explore on behalf of the community.

"F" on the Agenda is a list of projects and concerns that came up during the campaign. Today I thought to try to align the list with the 2004 Haines Borough Comprehensive Plan. A few items lined up but most did not. Are the concerns out of sync with the 2004 plan, or is the plan out of sync with the present?

To me, the disconnect between the concerns raised during the campaign and the old Comprehensive plan underscore the importance of the present effort to update the Comprehensive Plan.

The Planning Commission has had 8 meetings to review re-writes of chapters of the Comprehensive Plan since March. The 9th meeting is scheduled for November 16, 6 PM, Assembly Chambers. We all need to go. The Comprehensive Plan and the Borough Budget are the two most important policy documents produced and ultimately endorsed by the elected body. It is far easier to evaluate the final product if you have been able to participate in, or at least witness, its development.

I have recommended that all matters coming before the Assembly reference both the budget

and the community's Comprehensive Plan. That will help keep our government relevant, provided that there is ample public participation in the development of both documents: the budget and the Comprehensive Plan. Right now, it is the Comprehensive Plan that is itself in the planning. Come and see on November 16.

Today was the first day of work for the "Mayor's Assistant."

Nicole Studley will be providing some needed paper shredding between 10-11 AM most days in the Mayor's office. I am delighted! And shredded paper makes wonderful compost. Let me know if you need some for your pile.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Nicole for your public service. And thank you, Stephanie, for your open approach to leadership, clarity of thought and excellent communication skills.
