Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Assembly Meeting Highlights - Part 1

The Assembly met at the leading edge of last night's snow storm. Now we are all snowed in. Unfortunately all my notes are 1/4 mile away at the top of our road where I judiciously parked my car about 10:30 last night. No doubt, it is now under feet of snow. Many thanks to Assembly member Daymond Hoffman who fearlessly led the way home last night - his tail lights only disappeared in swirls of snow a couple of times.

Please note that these are unofficial and incomplete highlights. I will add to this list. More importantly, Haines Borough Clerk, Julie Cozzi, will present the draft of the minutes of the meeting for final approval to the Assembly at the next regular meeting December 13, 2011. The approved minutes represent the official record of the Borough.

Proclamation of Appreciation for Mayor Jan Hill
We delivered a proclamation of appreciation to Mayor Jan Hill via telephone. Jan phoned in from Juneau where she is involved in interviews for a new SEARHC president. In appreciation of her many years of service to the Borough and to the community, we presented her with a silver bracelet carved with a Wolf design by Jenny Lyn Smith. Jan's sister, Sue Folletti, accepted the gift on Jan's behalf.

We held the first public hearing for Ordinance 11-10-273. Assembly member Schnabel amended the ordinance to show that the Raw Fish Tax came in $24,851 over the amount budgeted and that $15,000 would be appropriated from that fund to hire an independent fisheries analyst to review Alaska Department Fish & Game data and management practices to investigate the relationship, if any, between ADFG data and management, and the ever declining stocks in the Chilkoot and Chilkat watersheds. The analyst will prepare the report and present it to appropriate local, regional, and state boards. The appropriation was requested by the Northern Lynn Canal Gillnetters Association. The analyst will be under contract to the Borough. The amendment was passed and the Ordinance was moved to its second public hearing December 13. At that time, the Assembly may amend, adopt, or otherwise dispose of the ordinance. All ordinances of the Haines Borough must have at least two public hearings before adoption.

Improved Ferry Service
The Assembly unanimously adopted Resolution 11-11-316 which 1) reaffirms Assembly support for improved ferry service rather than the East Lynn Canal Highway, previously expressed in two resolutions (04-04-042 and 07-11-116); and 2) supports the recommendations of the Marine Transportation Advisory Board, specially emphasizing the deployment of Alaska Class Ferries while making sure that public transportation is provided to support walk-on passengers if a Berner's Bay terminal is constructed. The resolution will be sent to Andy Hughes, Planning Chief for the Southeast Alaska Transportation Plan, Governor Sean Parnell, Senator Albert Kookesh, and Representative Bill Thomas.

Haines Port Steering Committee
The Assembly adopted Resolution 11-11-317 redesigning the Port Steering Committee so that it conforms to Haines Borough Code 2.60 which requires member of Haines Borough committees to be residents of the Borough. The committee is now composed of 8 members: 6 of whom have been appointed: Scott Hansen for the Chilkoot Indian Association, Roger Maynard for the Planning Commission, Fred Gray, Michael Ganey, and Assembly members Joanne Waterman and Debra Schnabel. Four seats are designated for individuals with working knowledge of port facilities development, transshipment logistics and marketing. Mr. Gray and Mr. Ganey hold two of the four seats. Two seats are vacant and the Borough is continuing to solicit letters of interest.

Planning Commission Appointments
The Mayor's appointment of Danny Gonce to the vacant seat on the Planning Commission was unanimously approved, as was the re-appointment of Planning Commissioners Andy Hedden and Donny Turner.

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