Monday, November 7, 2011

Day 6: Traveling

I am headed up to Fairbanks today where I will join Assembly member Jerry Lapp, Manager Mark Earnest, and Clerk and Deputy Clerk Julie Cozzi and Jamie Heinz for the Alaska Municipal League's 61st Annual Local Government Conference. Click here for the agenda. And here for the workshops. I will be out of the office until Monday November 14. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Tuesday I will attend the day-long Mayor's meeting and then dive into workshops on Wednesday and Thursday. I am glad several of us are attending because ALL the workshops look compelling. Since the workshops run concurrently, in groups of 2, 3, or 4 any one attendee must make tough choices. Right now I am drawn to Wednesday's Determining Specific Leadership Behaviors, AML resolution and policy pertaining to public works & infrastructure; and Thursday's Disaster Management for Mayors and other Leaders; AIDEA; Lobby Basics.

Meanwhile I working with staff and residents on three resolutions and one ordinance for Assembly consideration at the up coming November 15 meeting. One resolution is in support of the Alcohol Task Force. Chief Lowe and Jan Hotze have contributed some language.

Another resolution is in support of improved access to the upper Lynn Canal via ferries. It follows the recommendations of the Marine Transportation Advisory Board's October 27 comment on the Southeast Alaska Transportation Plan Scoping Report, the Haines Chamber of Commerce's November 4 comment, as well as previous resolutions adopted by previous Haines Borough Assemblys. Though the comment period closed Nov. 4, Andy Hughes, Southeast Regional Planning Chief, emailed yesterday that the Borough's comment would be welcomed and appropriate.

The third resolution pertains to the newly formed Haines Port Steering Committee (HPSC). The purpose of the resolution is to conform the HPSC to Haines Borough Code 2.60, Committees, Boards, and Commissions. The Manager, Darsie Culbeck, and I are collaborating.

The ordinance to be introduced covers the changes to Assembly procedures I presented at the Nov. 3 work session: an additional agenda category to provide for Assembly motions to designate topics for the next meeting's agenda (2.10.020); removal of the limit on the number of opportunities for a member of the Assembly to speak (2.10.060(D)); removal of the requirement for the Assembly to review invoices before payments are made (3.04.050), and the removal of the requirement for all Resolutions to be read out loud before the Assembly votes (2.12.110).

Materials are due to the Clerk by tomorrow at 8 AM! I better get busy. I am grateful for today's electronic communication. Hopefully I'll be able to press "send" to Julie Cozzi's inbox before I board my flight to Fairbanks at 1 this afternoon.

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