Thank you for your willingness to re-examine Resolution 12-02-332, originally before you on February 14, and now back on the table for the February 28 under a new number. The February 28 text is the same as the February 14 text.
On February 14, that Haines Borough Assembly voted to post pone consideration of a resolution in support of forward funding and yearly increases for education. The "resolve" section of the resolution states: "the Haines Borough Assembly respectfully requests that members of the legislature and Governor Sean Parnell support an early passage of legislation that will address these funding needs and support a quality education for our children."
The postponement provided time to clarify concerns that had been relayed shortly before the 2/14 meeting to both Assembly Member Schnabel and myself from Representative Thomas.
On February 15, I emailed Representative Thomas’s staff, Kaci Schroeder Hotch, as follows:
Please see the attached HB Resolution that was "postponed indefinitely" last night. I will put it back on the agenda under a new number for the 2/28 Assembly meeting. It would be extremely helpful if you could briefly outlined Representative Thomas' concerns so that we might address them. Thanks!
On February 16, Ms. Schroeder Hotch responded:
Ms. Scott,
I spoke with Rep. Thomas and he understands that the Borough wants to show support for education. Education is a huge priority for him as well. We spend lots of time in the legislature working on education issues and will do so again this session. He has read the resolution and if that is what the Borough wants to pass he is ok with it. He will continue to take a hard look at education funding and work on making our educational system one that provides quality education to our children.
Rumblings have reached me that the Assembly was being unduly influenced by our state representative. I don’t agree. On the contrary, I think the Assembly would be foolish to disregard concerns expressed by state legislators when attempting to lobby the same. It is my view that the Assembly was uncertain of the nature of the concerns and so acted to buy some time to obtain clarification. Obtaining clarification of concerns, from any quarter, is the first step in making an informed decision to act. Absent clarification of concerns, the Assembly acts in a vacuum unaware of the potential impact of its actions. That is never a good thing to do.
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