I met with Representative Wilson, Robert Venables (Chair - MTAB) and Haines resident Debra Vogt via teleconference on December 28. Representative Wilson suggested that we can effectively work through her Committee. Our own Representative, Jonathan Kreiss-Tomkins, also holds a seat on the Transportation Committee.
I have presented a few "starter" questions to the Assembly in the January 8 Mayor's Report:
How will the new plan address the needs for service in the Lynn Canal during periods of inclement weather, especially high seas?Wasn’t the purpose behind the MTAB process to get the design “right”? Wasn’t the goal of the process to match the vessel to the need? MTAB identified the actual need and the proper solutions were articulated in the form of a concept design. Shouldn’t the focus be on funding the right tool for the job, as opposed to changing the tool?There is a renewed focus on bow doors. Please explain why bow doors haven’t been used on vessels other than the Bartlett. While bow doors are said to offer great efficiency of roll-on/roll-off operation, the need to seal things properly to provide sufficient water-tight integrity may result in significant construction and operation costs. There have been a couple of serious life-taking ferry accidents in the Baltic – all related to bow door failures.Process Oriented Questions:Why did the State wait so long, at such a cost (+/- $3 million), to weigh into a process that was producing something unwanted? Is there some element in the procurement regulations that needs to be addressed to avoid wasting funds in a similar manner in the future?
But I trust that there are additional thoughtfully formulated questions circulating in the community that will be helpful to the House Transportation Committee's deliberations.
The Southeast Conference Transportation Committee will have a second meeting on this topic, Monday, January 7, 10:30 AM. The call in number is 1-888-550-5602, code 82494332. I have a standing obligation during the week 8:30-11:30 AM so I will not be able to attend but I have notified Assembly members.
I hope you have had a chance to read about Haines' role in the inception of the Alaska Marine Highway System on the system's webpage celebrating its 50th anniversary. Your voice, our voice, is an important to the future of the system now, as it was to its past. My intention is to work with you, the Governor, with DOT/PF, with Legislators to ensure that there is safe, reliable marine transportation to meet the needs of the people living in and traveling through the Upper Lynn Canal now and into the future.
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