Should the Assembly take the time and spend the effort to study and comment on plans proposed in the Haines Borough by state agencies? Some say, "No." Some say, "Let the state agencies and agents do their jobs. What do we know, for example, about timber sales?"
I have a different opinion. I believe that it is very important for the Haines Borough Assembly to consider the local impacts of activity sponsored by others. When items such as the proposed FERC license for the Connelly Lake hydro project, the Juneau Access Road, the Southeast Regional Integrated Resource Plan, the 13 Mile Timber Sale, the Fall/Winter AMHS ferry schedule come before the Assembly, it gives the whole community an opportunity to be reminded of these proposals and to offer their own comments to the Assembly.
This coming Tuesday, March 13, the Assembly will consider the Southeast Regional Integrated Resource Plan and the Haines State Forest 13 Mile Timber Sale. The Assembly may also weigh in on the proposed Fall/Winter AMHS ferry schedule.
The assembly commenting on local projects is fine. Any comments should come from knowledge of the subject. As to SRIRP the draft letter on the agenda gets into items that no one on the aassembly can be expected to know. Mayor has completly missed covering the current and expected power needs. We are really out of reasonable power now. Let the experts do their part.