Many thanks to Haines Borough Clerk Julie Cozzi for conducting the swearing in ceremony today for myself, Debra Schnabel, and Jerry Lapp. Newly elected Assembly member Norm Smith was unable to join us due to a work schedule. Today marks the official start of our terms, but it was also practice. We will be sworn in again in public at our first Assembly meeting, November 15. Please come!
Thank you too for those who did join us today: Representative Bill Thomas, Borough Manager Mark Earnest, Anne Hanssen, Jamie Heinz, Brenda Jones, Bill Kurz, Joe and Sue Poor, and Debra Vogt. It meant a lot to have you there.
And now to work. This is the Day 1 Mayor's Report. The bulk of my day was spent closeted with the Manager:
- I requested a copy of the Soil Contamination Report from Carson & Dorn, due to my concern for the soil in the area of the school garden.
- I requested a copy of the report of mold in the Chilkat Center, also from Carson and Dorn, due to my concern for the people working in that facility.
- I expressed my concern to the manager regarding the Haines Port Steering Committee with respect to the possible conflict with Haines Borough Code stipulations for committee composition (2.60.020), the need for term limits, and decision making mechanism. It's possible that a Resolution addressing these concerns will be presented at the Nov. 15 Assembly meeting.
- We discussed the Boat Harbor Advisory Committee's revisions to Title 16 and its recommendation that the advisory committee's scope be expanded to include port facilities, including the PC and Lutak docks.
- I inquired about the Chilkoot Estates Subdivision and learned that the problematical lift station was now operational but that road right-of-way issues are yet to be resolved.
- I wondered what had become of the request for proposals or for qualifications to repair the Chilkat Center roof that was to be prepared by the Boutet Compay as mentioned in the Manager's reports (9/13.9/27/10/11). I learned that the individual at the Boutet Company assigned the task had been injured (an injury unrelated to work for the Borough) so that the Manager is now looking for an alternative.
- We reviewed the MOU between the Haines Borough and Lynn Canal Broadcasting Regarding Management of the Chilkat Center. I believe that the Manager plans to talk informally with Lynn Canal Broadcasting in preparation for a more formal review of the agreement.
- I conveyed the interest expressed by a citizen that Main Street should be owned by the Borough instead of by the State of Alaska, as is now the case. I learned that DOT estimates that it costs $200,000 annually to clear snow from Main Street. It is possible that the Downtown Revitalization Committee, advisory to the Manager, may be asked to explore the costs and benefits of Borough ownership of Main Street.
- We talked about managerial evaluations. The Borough has an evaluation form but it might be time to examine alternative tools for evaluation. We talked about assigning that task to the Assembly's Commerce committee. The Manager is a member of that committee. I agreed that it was appropriate for the manager to participate in the selection of an evaluation tool.
- I found Public Law 111-84, Section 2851, which states how and when the Tank Farm will be conveyed to the Chilkoot Indian Association for "the purpose of permitting the Association to develop a Deep Sea Port and for other industrial and commercial development purposes" and requiring the Association to pay an "amount equal to the fair market value of the property... ." I had been confused about the status of the Tank Farm. Now I am less confused. Come in and I will make you a copy of the excerpt from the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2010, signed into law October 28, 2009.
- The Clerk provided a document detailing how the contractor for the demolition of the old elementary school planned to dispose of the debris. The question had been raised by a citizen. I transmitted the information to the person who inquired.
- And last but not least, I celebrated my first day with coffee and cookies at the home of Joe and Sue Poor in the company of Debra Schnabel and Bill Kurz; I celebrated Tina Olson's and Mark Earnest's birthdays with the borough staff; I recycled a lot of paper, bought a desk lamp (with my own funds) so that I would not have to turn on all the ceiling fixtures, and prepared a spot for the new Mayor's Assistant, Nicole Studley, to expertly shred paper for an hour tomorrow morning.
It was a great day. Thank you for the opportunity to be your mayor.
I will be in the office at 3:30 tomorrow, ready to finalize the agenda for the November 3 work session. Please stop by.